Friday, July 30, 2010

Something to Think About...

When things aren't going perfect we forget all that is right in our world. And instead of thanking God for that, we complain because "this" isn't going right or "that" didn't happen. There is always someone out there that is less-fortunate than you, no matter how poor or weak or hungry you are.
God gives us everything we have and can take away everything He has given us.
So now, (I hope) I have given you something to think about. (And thank God for)
To God alone be the Glory.

Friday, July 16, 2010


I am sure all or at least most of you have heard of silly bands, right? People get kind of obsessive/collective about it. You have this one, but you want that one. This person has this many and I only have this many.

Then you think of someone in Africa who has no clean water. Their water is full of sickness but it's all they have so they drink it. And after a while some of them die. Were sitting here sipping ice cold lemonade on the beach reading a favorite book, not a thought in the world of what some people are going through.

We are very blessed, but their are some out there that aren't as blessed as we are.

James 1:26-27 says:

To "Take care of the orphans and widows in distress."

When you help out those less fortunate then you, God blesses you greatly. Think about that as you're on facebook, or texting a friend.

God loves all of us. He loves you; the goody-two-shoes who goes to church every week and puts a good amount of money in the offering plate, just as much as he loves you; the starving child in search of food with no roof over your head. Remember those in need.

God's sees everything. God knows everything. God hopes you too see and choose to help.
To God alone be the Glory.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Faith; With Your Eyes Shut Tight

I came up with something last night as I was trying to find my bed after I turned off the light.
(I know that sounds lame)

With out God I am bumping into things with my eyes wide open, through Faith in God I am going through an obstacle course with my eyes tightly shut.

Nothing is Impossible with God. But you can't do the impossible without trusting God. Trust God. Take that leap of Faith.

God is holding us, guiding us threw the obstacle course of life with our eyes tightly shut. When we open our eyes and wander onto a strange path, God gives us a glimpse of life without Him, then gently calls us back.

Hard times are part of life, and I believe God uses them to strengthen our Faith. It's easy to Trust God when everything is going fine. Take a leap of Faith, and walk, with your eyes shut tight.
To God alone be the Glory.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lessons From the Titanic

I watched Titanic last night, and yes it was a very good movie. It made me think and ask questions. Like Why did God allow the ship to sink? Why did God have all those innocent people die?

They challenged God and lost, "Even God himself cannot sink this ship." God hears and sees everything, He is all-powerful and He needed to remind these high-and-mighty people that.

But why God? Why? For My glory. That's all that matters. Everybody dies. They all just died in a tragic way.

And the Bible says they are without excuse, everybody at one point in life will know or knows there is a God. They all had a chance to go to heaven. It's just sad that they all died in such tragic ways.

If you haven't watched or read a historical fiction book on the Titanic, you won't get it as much. I knew Titanic sank and I knew thousands of people died, and I know it was a very tragic thing that happend. But it didn't hit home to me, until I watched the movie.

It's for God's glory, and that's all that matters. Thank God, he didn't kill us all. God is a just and faithful God. We don't need to understand all the why's and the how's. We need to trust God almighty, all-powerful, creator of the universe, lover of our souls.

It's hard to understand how this could happen or why God could allow such a horrible thing to happen. But that is where faith comes in. And death is not the end of life; it is only the begging.
To God alone be the Glory!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Blog Award

I am flattered to say that I got a blog award last weekend from angelonwheels @
Thank you soooo much for this award! She is a great blogger and her blog is definitely worth checking out!
I would like to pass on this award to Mostly Graysie@
Congratulations! I really think you have a wonderful blog Graysie! Keep up the good work! Her blog is also worth checking out. Her blog is one of my many favorite blogs!
To God alone be the Glory!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July: A Day of Celebrating our Freedom

First of all...Happy 4th of July!!

I love the forth of July! It's important to remember what we are celebrating. We celebrate the forth of July, for freedom. When the pilgrims first came over here, they came here so that they could worship God freely. This nation was started for freedom of religion.

We are very lucky that here in the U.S. that we can worship God. In some countries you will get killed or torcherd or worse for following Jesus Christ. We are a very blessed nation.

The forth of July is for celebrating freedom, but remember why we wanted freedom, way back in the beginning. So we could worship God, Jesus Christ, Yahweh, Messiah, Savior, Lord of Hosts, King of Kings, Emmanuel. I could go on forever for God has many names.

So take the time this 4th of July weekend to thank God for allowing us to worship Him freely. Thank Him that we don't have to worry about being killed or tourchered for our Faith. Thank Him for sending His son as a sacrifice so we all can be free. Free of sin.

And pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are being killed and tourchered for their Faith and thank God for them.
Happy 4th!
To God alone be the Glory!