Saturday, March 19, 2011

Beautiful In Every Way

As girls we want to feel beautiful. And this world bombards us with images and tells us we need this or that to "get the guy" or "look beautiful". You need to have shorter shorts and lower tops etc.

Sometimes I feel like I am the only one standing for Modesty and nobody cares.

God thinks we are beautiful. He made us in His image. And Christ is beautiful!!! Outward appearance is nothing to Christ: your True Lover. Its your inner beauty that counts. Eternity is such a long time we can't even grasp it. And our time on earth is so short. We are to store up treasure for ourselves in heaven during our short time on earth. Outer beauty and its benefits last so short and inner beauty benefits for eternity. So do we went want to dwell on outer beauty or inner beauty?

I found this link to a modesty survey and hearing the answers to this particular question encouraged me. I linked you right to the answers for the question so just scroll down some to read them. I found them encouraging and hope you do too!

God bless.

To God alone be the glory!