Monday, December 27, 2010


"Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him. When tempted no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desires and enticed. Then after desire is conceived, it gives birth to to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death"
James 1:12-15

I especially need to remember this verse and apply it. I got a new computer a few weeks ago and it has wireless Internet access. I do school on it and it is a HUGE temptation to go online for a bit during school.

This verse makes it clear that is worth fighting against the temptation no matter how hard it is or will be.
To God alone be the Glory!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


CHRISTmas. I know, I have written X-mas before, but how can I? I am taking out my Savior's name and putting in a big X instead. Like His name is not worth anything. Taking Him out of CHRISTtmas. Without CHRIST there would be no CHRISTmas.

CHRISTmas is the day CHRIST came down to earth. And as we later know he dies for our sins. Without CHRISTmas we wouldn't be close to God as we are now, and our sins wouldn't have been taken away.

What did Santa do? Gave us presents. That's nice. What did CHRIST do? Died for us. That's amazing! Why is Santa so popular at CHRISTmas? Is it because he gives us gifts? At one point we all grow tired of those gifts and forget them. Why isn't CHRIST popular at CHRISTmas? He came to earth on CHRISTmas so he could one day pay the price for our sins.
At one time He was very popular, Shepard's came to him, the three wise men came and brought Him gifts. But now CHRIST is slipping out of CHRISTmas. WE don't think "It's Jesus' birthday!" when we wake up on CHRISTmas morning. We think "presents!" most of which will be forgotten.

But CHRIST on CHRISTmas shall never be forgotten! Keep His name in CHRISTmas.
To God alone be the Glory!
"There has been only one Christmas- the rest are anniversaries" W. J. Cameron

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Reminder...

I always wonder what God's plan is for my life. Being a teen I have a lot of time in front of me. I always ask God what is His will for me and if I can just know it. Though part of me doesn't want to know. *I'm not sure if I really want to know what God would do with me if He had complete control over my body and actions.
But I want to do His will...

I found this verse the other day when I was reading my devotional:

"If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask Him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything form the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do."
James 1:5-8 NLT

Have you seriously considered doing God's will? Giving Him complete control to do whatever He wanted with you and your body? God gave himself totally up for us, why can't we give ourselves to Him?

Or is Satan whispering discouraging thoughts in our ear? Saying we can't do it. It's too hard. It's too dangerous. God has all the glory and the power. He can do with it what He sees is fit. Let God handle 'the cant's' and you can handle the 'I can's'.
To God alone be the Glory!
*Francias Chan says this at the Passion Conference in 2007

Sunday, December 12, 2010

'Beautiful for Me' by Nichole Nordeman; VeggieTales Sweetpea Beauty

It has a few Veggietales scenes, but this is still a great video and worth watching!!!!!!!!! (Related to my other post: A Garden Locked Up)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Beautiful Garden Locked Up

"You are a garden locked up, my sister, my bride; you are a spring enclosed, a sealed fountain."

Song of Songs 4:12 NIV

Have you ever thought of yourself that way? I really haven't. But that is what we should strive to be. Saved for our future Prince Charming. The keywords being 'locked up', 'sealed fountain' and 'spring enclosed'.

This writer certainly is madly in love with whom is speaking about. And what does he like about her? That she is saving herself for him. I think we should have that mindset. Not snatch up the 'best' guys, but to save yourself for the one who is bold and moral enough to claim us.

It shouldn't be what we are on the outside that draws a guy's attention, but what we are on the inside. For that is where true beauty is. That is important. God is Love. And God delights in your good deeds, so to speak (obeying Him.)

"Charm is deceptive Beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised"

Psalm 31:30

"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart."
1 Samuel 16:7
"A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies."
Proverbs 31:10

God's desire is what you should strive for, not material things. What you look like or the time you take to improve your looks or worry about them doesn't gain anything in Heaven.

"But store up for yourselves treasure in heaven. Where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal."
Matthew 6:20

What we have here will not last. What we gain there is eternal. What does God want you to do? How can you gain these 'treasures'?
"And What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
Micah 6:8

God just wants you to obey Him and love Him. He loves you.
To God alone be the Glory!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Tenth Avenue North - You Are More (Official Music Video)

I love this video! So true and a message all should hear. God paid for everything you have ever done and He is ready to take your burden if you will just let Him. I don't know why God loves us. It makes no sense. Yet He does.
God has a plan and a purpose for your life, no matter what you have done. God is too big for you to mess up His great plan.
To God alone be the Glory!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Star Breather

Everything is God breathed. That is a cool thought. He breathed Stars! He is a star breather-as Louie Giglio says.* He made us! It's insanely radical!

We can't even make up a different color! Pink comes from red, fuschia from pink. We can't even try to make a new color! We can only make what has already been made. So for God to make something completely new, is nothing short of a miracle!

We worship an awesome God! And it is beautiful that He loves us and wants a relationship with us, even though He is perfect and all powerful.
Wow. The more I know God the more I love Him and think He is just so awesome!!!
To God alone be the Glory!
*Check Louie Giglio out and see what He is doing to change the world @

Friday, November 5, 2010

Change the World

Do you ever wonder what God wants you to do with your life? I do. There are so many things...
I want to do God's will. I don't know what it is yet, but I want to serve my God to the best of my ability. (Which I admit I slack on a lot of the time). I want to be one of the people this song is talking about. God is more important than anything. His story should be told to the world.

I encourage you to stop, and take a moment to pray for those who are already changing the world. Those who are putting God before themselves and doing His will. They are still human they have their spiritual ups and downs just like everybody else. So I encourage you to stop and pray for these people.

You don't have to know of someone to pray for them. It could be somebody you don't even know. God knows and He's listening.

And I encourage you to get up and do something for Christ. Go out of your way and serve your Savior. God can use anybody. He is in complete control and nothing is impossible with Him. Go change the world!

To God alone be the Glory!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Starry Night

Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: who created these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of His great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.
Isaiah 40:26
When I consider your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have set in place. What is man that you are mindful him? The son of man that you care for Him?
Psalm 8: 3-4
To God alone be the Glory!

Friday, October 29, 2010


Have you ever just stopped and looked at what God created? This couldn't have just spontaneously popped up out of no-where. God created it with His hand and with great care and detail. God created it all for us! Because He loves us! It's amazing! Look at all He has created... man cannot match it!
To God alone be the Glory!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I personally, am struggling with obedience. Though it seems like Obedience takes away your freedom, it actually gives you freedom.

If you are trusted with little, people will trust you with a lot. Disobedience, in a way, is breaking the bond of trust.

Obedience is also respect. If you respect, you will heed their word and listen to their teachings.

Obedience is also love, if you love your parents you will obey them. (Same goes for God)

So... I am going to work on this. Whether it is a struggle for you or not, I challenge you to work harder to obey. Not just you parents and boss, but your God, who created you for His purpose.
To God alone be the Glory!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Halloween. Oh boy. -Part Two

Now that you've learned what Halloween is truly about in my earlier post. (Halloween. Oh boy. -Part one) What are you going to do knowing this information?

I know what you're thinking: Why doesn't a teenage girl not want to celebrate Halloween? Even adults love Halloween!

Well, I'll gladly answer that: because I want to do the right thing.

I believe celebrating Halloween is not the right thing to do. Therefore, I don't celebrate it. Doesn't mean you don't have to celebrate it though. You make you're own decisions. I just want you to think about it before you commit to celebrating.

"Well, everybody does it. It must be okay." You think to yourself.
Sure it is.

Everybody is going to jump off a cliff! Why don't you join them? Everybody is doing it.

Get my point? Everybody makes mistakes. We're all sinful by nature. But just because everybody is doing it, doesn't make it right.

In Matthew 7:13-14 Jesus said-

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and strait is the way that leads to life, and only a few find it. NIV

So think about it. Talk about it. Pray about it. God loves you, and wants only the best for you.

He's not this big powerful guy in the sky who wants to make your life miserable. He cares about us and lets us make our own decisions about life. He just encourages us to choose the right ones.
To God alone be the Glory.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Halloween. Oh Boy. -Part One

Yep. Halloween is just around the corner. I'm excited. It's just a harmless holiday.

Yikes! What am I saying! It's not harmless!

You've just started reading and you're thinking, "If this against Halloween I'm out of here!"

Well hold your horses! Let me ask you a few questions first.

  • What do you think God thinks about Halloween?

  • Does it bring Glory to God?

  • Or does it totally disregard what He says?

  • Are we honoring God by this holiday?

  • Or are we honoring the Devil?

  • Who's holiday is it? God's, or the Devil's?

Well I'm not going to answer those questions for you. You should figure that out on your own. Here are some more Halloween questions-

  • What's wrong with tick or treating? Candy isn't bad.

  • What's wrong with dressing up? Not everybody dresses bad.

  • What's wrong with Halloween? Everybody does it. Even Christians.

  • Why can't I dress up like a witch? Dressing up isn't bad. It's not like I'm evil.

Well, your right. There is nothing wrong with trick or treating, or dressing up as a witch, or Halloween. There are also never any fights on Halloween nobody gets hurt and nobody's candy gets stolen...

Yikes! Here I go again.

I will answer one of my questions; Halloween is the Devil's holiday. We are dressing evil, doing evil and and celebrating evil. God hates sin. Sin is Evil. The Devil is Evil.

See what I am saying? Hallow actually comes from the word 'holy'. It means "to make holy; to consecrate; to set apart for holy or religious use; to reverence; to honor as sacred."

Believe me, God is not is fooled by the title of this holiday. We cannot hide behind it. We, by doing Halloween are worshiping the Devil.

"Men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil."

John 3:19 NIV

How does God feel when we celebrate this holiday? Are we bring glory to our just and merciful Savior? Make you're own decision about this holiday. You already know mine.

To God alone be the Glory.

(Part Two will be posted on October 23.)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Paid In Full

I just HAD to post this simple picture! Isn't it great?

I'm glad that is true! God knows I need His grace and forgiveness in my life. What a price He paid too. He gave His life for us and sadly we often take that for granted.

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son. That whoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have eternal life.

1 John 3:16

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us.

1 John 4:9-10

This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him.

This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

We Live Insignificant Lives -Part Two

God's love is so great and He paid the ultimate sacrifice for us: He died, for us. We should be able to willingly die for Him.

Sometimes as Christians we can get so caught up in other things we never take the time to minister to someone. Sometimes they're right in front of us pleading. Our lives here are so short, we need to do something for God, it's the least we can do, since He saved us.

To me, If I save one soul from the fire, my life is worth living. If I am deaf, dumb, blind and crippled let me bring Glory to God with my life till I die.

  • If all I am good for in this life, is to sing praises to you, then let me sing till I die.

  • If all I am good for in this life, is to pray for others, then let me pray till I die.

  • If all I am good for in this life, is to love others, then let me love till I die.

  • If all I am good for in this life, is to serve others, then let me serve till I die.

  • If all I am good for in this life, is to spread God's word, then let me spread His word till I die.

If you die tomorrow do you think your life will be satisfactory to God? Or do you think you could've done more for God instead of surfing the Internet?

God can take your life away as soon as He wants. Right now I hope I live longer then till tomorrow because I think I can do more for God before I die and I want to do more for Him before I die. I want to live my life to the fullest for God. 'Cause that's what life is all about; Jesus Christ.

We live an insignificant earthly life. Do God a favor; don't waste it. We want to do the most we can here so we can please God. Imagine the reward when you get to heaven! Nothing rusts or becomes boring or distasteful there.

Please watch the video below. It is 'This Is Your Time' -by Micheal W. Smith. This is one of my favorite songs! Enjoy.

To God alone be the Glory!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

We Live Insignificant Lives -Part One

"What good is it for a man (or woman) to gain the whole world yet forfeit his (or her) soul."
Mark 8:36

Nothing matters. Did you get that? Nothing matters. Our lives here on earth are so insignificant. God doesn't need us to do what He wants. He can do it all by Himself yet He chooses to use us: dirty rotten sinners.

Why? Because He loves us! The most (nowadays) I suppose you can live here on earth, would be into your early hundreds. But we will live an eternity there.
Like I can say an eternity.

Eternity is forever. There is no more than one eternity because an eternity is more than one. Understand?

"Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Matthew 6:19-21

Nothing in life matters. We are only here so we can bring more people glory to God there.

This world tell us things like: If you want to live the best life possible, you have to: have the most, be the best, have the best looks and know people in high places. That won't matter when we get to heaven (or hell). It's over. You're done. You can't re-live your life. Once you get to heaven (or hell) it doesn't matter how much money you had or who you knew or how good-looking you were.

But our God is a God of second chances! It doesn't matter what you do here He is always ready to forgive you and accept you into His kingdom. But once you are there you've already spent your life here.

In other words it's done; official. If you haven't accepted Christ on earth before you get to heaven, you can't stand at the gate of gold and say, "I believe you know. Can't I come in?" No. God will have to send you to hell, even though it breaks his heart.

"May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand it."

Ephesians 3:29a

We will never understand how much God loves us because the description of how much He loves us is beyond earthly terms. We can't even comprehend or try to think, or fathom, how much He loves us. He loves us that much. Wow.

Now try to think of a good reason God loves us. We sin. God hates sin, yet somehow He still loves us. Don't you see how insignificant our lives are?

He doesn't have to love us. He wants to. He does, has and always will love us. There is nothing you can do to make him stop loving us! Did you hear me? Nothing. Once you accept Christ as your Savior, Lord and King of your life your sins are forgotten.
It's so amazing! God is so amazing!
To God alone be the Glory!

Friday, October 8, 2010

The World's Best Kept Secret

You don't have to be 'good enough' to get to heaven or have friends. There is no such thing. Yet the world tries to make us be. You have to be skinnier, prettier, do better, be smarter, hotter, and more athletic. Lies! Lies! Lies! You were made perfectly in the Image of God.

Think of someone famous, they're not always praised. The world likes to build them up and then tear them down because their 'not good enough'.

There is NO such thing as good enough!

Let me tell you a little secret; there is No One perfect... accept Jesus Christ. It's only through Him that we can be as 'good' as we are. Satan loves; I mean loves it when we tear people down.

The world also tells us that to have the best life you have to have the guy or the girl, the money, the car, the best house or the job. No, those things are empty.

Being famous, wealthy or owning the best car isn't the life, as we like to say. The world tells us that's what life is all about. It's not! They're lying to us! They don't care about your relationships or your career they just care about your money. And if they have to lie to you to get it, so be it.

[Jesus speaking] "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."
Matthew 6:24

Satan makes the world say these things to make it seem that these things are better than God. He wants them to seem more valuable so we get them instead of Christ. Satan doesn't stop there, he makes us want even more stuff to keep are minds off God.

Look at Tiger Woods? He had everything. Why would he want more? Because the world never stops telling him that he is not good enough, she's not good enough, it's not good enough. Now they have told the whole world of his mistake and how he is not perfect. Yes, he was wrong. I'm not saying he what he did was right.

Do not strive for earthly things, they promise pleasure, but they are worth nothing. Don't give into the lies of this world. Your true treasure, popularity, beauty and wealth are in heaven.

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain that which he cannot lose."
-Jim Elliot
To God alone be the Glory!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

God is Awe-some

I highly recommend watching this video.

What can I say after that?

To God alone be the Glory.

Ps. If you liked this you should look up Louie Giglio's "If the Earth were a golfball" (I thought it was too long to post it on here)

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I was thinking and what I came up with was this:

We all die at one point in life, some young, others old, some for a noble cause and some by an accident.
Therefore, knowing we will all die one day and Christ died for us, then shouldn't we die for Him? The only reason we live is because He died so we might live. And if we are going to die some day some way, shouldn't we die serving the One who sacrificed His life for us even though we did not deserve it?

We are going to die, and personally, I would rather die for Christ than of old age. Though I don't know if I'd have the courage or faith to do so.
To God alone be the Glory!

Friday, September 24, 2010

My Future...

I wonder what I am going to do,
but I know it's in Your hands.
I think about my future,
but You already have a plan.

I have so many dreams,
I don't know which to follow,
but You already know,
and will help me through tomorrow.

I trust my future to You, my God and my King,
and hope that I will please You in everything.

For nothing else matters but You, I'll give You glory all my days,
My worries are pushed aside as I offer You my praise.

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself." -Matthew 6:34

To God alone be the Glory!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Journal Entry

I am going to paint a picture for you; by words...

I am on a beach, sitting on a rock. My shadow stretches out seven feet in front of me. The ocean is dark blue and light blue in places. I hear the cascading sound of the waves gently splashing along the shore.
The sand is a tanned brown, darkened by the receding water. I can see the grains of sand as they sparkle in the setting sun. I see my footsteps to this rock walking in a strait line till they disappear from view.

I see little birds, Sandpipers, running swiftly along the waters edge, they flutter their wings and take off. The horizon is a very soft light blue that deepens as you look upward into the vast sky that is dotted with fluffy white clouds.

I wiggle my toes and feel the grains of sand between them. There is no one near by- it's just me and God's creation...


My rock is like a rough black stool with green tough yarn-like seaweed attached to the bottom. There are a few snails on my rock and some small pearl-white barnacles jutting out from one side of the rock.
A fly runs across the sand passing my foot. A snail's trail wanders near my rock as a slight wind blows; ruffling my pages. How can they say God doesn't exist?


My shadow walks beside me now, as the sun warms my back and salt water reach my toes. The Sea glitters like glass...
I now have the word to describe the feeling I had as I walked beside the sea...

God must be laughing as we run stressed through our chaotic lives. He's in control and here all the time waiting to embrace us. Look at all the beauty around you? Do you forget to look as you're running by? God created it all just for us. And the most beautiful and amazing thing is God is more beautiful than the most beautiful thing and/or person in the whole universe.
To God alone be the Glory!

Your Identity

Your Identity is who you are. We are God's Identity; in other words, we are who God made us to be.

Genesis 1:27

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

God is perfect; He makes no mistakes. God gave you red or black or brown or blond hair for a reason. He makes no mistakes. He made us exactly the way He wanted; to fulfill His perfect plan.

It doesn't matter what others think, or what you look like or who you hang out with or what your wearing. God loves you exactly the way you are. He created you like that, you're one of a kind. There is no one out there just like you. Your uniquely God's very own creation, created in His image and loved dearly.

Isn't that amazing?
To God alone be the Glory!

Friday, September 3, 2010

God is All of the Above

God is amazing. God is real. God is patient. God is just. God is true. God is forgiving. God is love. God is all-mighty. God is always there.

Though, sometimes it feels like He's not there. I was sitting on my bed one night, talking to God. I was having a hard time with something and was seeking His help. It was at night; my room was pitch-black. Suddenly in the middle of my conversation, I stopped and laughed shortly.

"It's so weird." I had said to God. "I can't see you. You don't talk to me, yet I know you're here, listening to me."

"I will never leave you, nor will I forsake you." it says in the bible. Yet sometimes, we feel so alone. Like He's not there. Like He is not listening.

But God is there and He is listening. Though when things don't go as planned we wonder where God is. He is right here fulfilling His perfect plan.
To God alone be the Glory.

PS. Join in the conversation on the post labelled Questions.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I want to ask all my readers a simple question.

What area of your life do you struggle with your faith the most?

Is it trusting God when you are afraid?
Believing God when it feels like He's not there?
Worries about your future?

We are not super-human, everybody struggles.
Go ahead and write down your answers on the comments.
To God alone be the Glory.
(PS. I will write mine down on the comments forum)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Serve Your Savior

This week is VBS week for me. I love VBS. Not only is it fun, but we're serving God. I am always amazed at how much fun I have serving my Savior. I love watching the kids play and grow in God. Learning thier bible verses, singing thier memmory verse songs. God is amazing! I am proud to serve a just and faithful God.

So I ask you to slow down and serve you're Savior. The fun is unlimited and the prize will be waiting for you in heaven. Go ahead, serve your Savior, and reap His reward for you.

To God alone be the Glory!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Something to Think About...

When things aren't going perfect we forget all that is right in our world. And instead of thanking God for that, we complain because "this" isn't going right or "that" didn't happen. There is always someone out there that is less-fortunate than you, no matter how poor or weak or hungry you are.
God gives us everything we have and can take away everything He has given us.
So now, (I hope) I have given you something to think about. (And thank God for)
To God alone be the Glory.

Friday, July 16, 2010


I am sure all or at least most of you have heard of silly bands, right? People get kind of obsessive/collective about it. You have this one, but you want that one. This person has this many and I only have this many.

Then you think of someone in Africa who has no clean water. Their water is full of sickness but it's all they have so they drink it. And after a while some of them die. Were sitting here sipping ice cold lemonade on the beach reading a favorite book, not a thought in the world of what some people are going through.

We are very blessed, but their are some out there that aren't as blessed as we are.

James 1:26-27 says:

To "Take care of the orphans and widows in distress."

When you help out those less fortunate then you, God blesses you greatly. Think about that as you're on facebook, or texting a friend.

God loves all of us. He loves you; the goody-two-shoes who goes to church every week and puts a good amount of money in the offering plate, just as much as he loves you; the starving child in search of food with no roof over your head. Remember those in need.

God's sees everything. God knows everything. God hopes you too see and choose to help.
To God alone be the Glory.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Faith; With Your Eyes Shut Tight

I came up with something last night as I was trying to find my bed after I turned off the light.
(I know that sounds lame)

With out God I am bumping into things with my eyes wide open, through Faith in God I am going through an obstacle course with my eyes tightly shut.

Nothing is Impossible with God. But you can't do the impossible without trusting God. Trust God. Take that leap of Faith.

God is holding us, guiding us threw the obstacle course of life with our eyes tightly shut. When we open our eyes and wander onto a strange path, God gives us a glimpse of life without Him, then gently calls us back.

Hard times are part of life, and I believe God uses them to strengthen our Faith. It's easy to Trust God when everything is going fine. Take a leap of Faith, and walk, with your eyes shut tight.
To God alone be the Glory.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lessons From the Titanic

I watched Titanic last night, and yes it was a very good movie. It made me think and ask questions. Like Why did God allow the ship to sink? Why did God have all those innocent people die?

They challenged God and lost, "Even God himself cannot sink this ship." God hears and sees everything, He is all-powerful and He needed to remind these high-and-mighty people that.

But why God? Why? For My glory. That's all that matters. Everybody dies. They all just died in a tragic way.

And the Bible says they are without excuse, everybody at one point in life will know or knows there is a God. They all had a chance to go to heaven. It's just sad that they all died in such tragic ways.

If you haven't watched or read a historical fiction book on the Titanic, you won't get it as much. I knew Titanic sank and I knew thousands of people died, and I know it was a very tragic thing that happend. But it didn't hit home to me, until I watched the movie.

It's for God's glory, and that's all that matters. Thank God, he didn't kill us all. God is a just and faithful God. We don't need to understand all the why's and the how's. We need to trust God almighty, all-powerful, creator of the universe, lover of our souls.

It's hard to understand how this could happen or why God could allow such a horrible thing to happen. But that is where faith comes in. And death is not the end of life; it is only the begging.
To God alone be the Glory!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Blog Award

I am flattered to say that I got a blog award last weekend from angelonwheels @
Thank you soooo much for this award! She is a great blogger and her blog is definitely worth checking out!
I would like to pass on this award to Mostly Graysie@
Congratulations! I really think you have a wonderful blog Graysie! Keep up the good work! Her blog is also worth checking out. Her blog is one of my many favorite blogs!
To God alone be the Glory!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July: A Day of Celebrating our Freedom

First of all...Happy 4th of July!!

I love the forth of July! It's important to remember what we are celebrating. We celebrate the forth of July, for freedom. When the pilgrims first came over here, they came here so that they could worship God freely. This nation was started for freedom of religion.

We are very lucky that here in the U.S. that we can worship God. In some countries you will get killed or torcherd or worse for following Jesus Christ. We are a very blessed nation.

The forth of July is for celebrating freedom, but remember why we wanted freedom, way back in the beginning. So we could worship God, Jesus Christ, Yahweh, Messiah, Savior, Lord of Hosts, King of Kings, Emmanuel. I could go on forever for God has many names.

So take the time this 4th of July weekend to thank God for allowing us to worship Him freely. Thank Him that we don't have to worry about being killed or tourchered for our Faith. Thank Him for sending His son as a sacrifice so we all can be free. Free of sin.

And pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are being killed and tourchered for their Faith and thank God for them.
Happy 4th!
To God alone be the Glory!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Stay Strong

I had a talk with my Mom last night and we were discussing how it's hard to live in the world and not be of it. The world puts so many temptations in our way. Recently I have been struggling a bit. I feel the pressure of "just go with the flow" But If I just go with the flow how will I bring Glory to my King?

God wants us to be different for Him. Right now I'm struggling with courting. I am still going to court, don't get me wrong, no one can get me to not-court, but I feel the pressure. Everyone I know has a girlfriend or a boyfriend and it gets to you. Satan whispers in my ear "Look how fun it is. Everybody does it."

That is what makes it hard. There are even some Christians who don't want to court and think it's stupid. And it's hard when even my close friends who I have talked to about this before date. But I believe this is a test. And if I pass it will bring Glory to God, and that is all that matters.

I'm not the only one in the world who courts. But Satan likes to remind me of the many people who date and push away that encouragement of those who court. I'm doing what I think is right. But who says standing up for what's right is easy?

It's not, but that is part of God's wonderful plan!
To God alone be the Glory!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Go Against The Flow

Dare to be different for your Savior. We are weird, we are Christians. The world doesn't really get us. They see us as party-poopers or weaklings because we need God to use as a crutch. They don't understand us. I think we try to hard to blend in. We need to stand out.

Sometimes we are strange or weird among Christians because of our deep commitment to God. Stand up for what you believe in. Never be afraid to stand up for what's right. You may get a bad response here, but God will reward you in heaven.

Just being yourself might be witness enough, for your friends. Just seeing the choices you make and the way you live out your life for God. I know, It's so hard to stand for what's right; to go against the flow. But it's not about us here. It's about God. And if we need to stand out to bring Him glory, so be it.

He can allow us to die whenever He pleases, He is in control of everything. So stand out for Christ before it's too late. God calls us to stand out for Him, don't blend in. Your a special child of God, the ultimate person in control. You shouldn't be the same as the people who aren't a special child of God. You should stand out so they can say, "I want to be that." or "I want be like her/him."
Don't be afraid to stand out; to stand up for what is right, and follow Jesus's example.

Here is the link to an awesome music video on this subject: encouraging Christians to stand out!
To God alone be the Glory.

Friday, June 11, 2010

God Deserves More

Sometimes I forget what life is all about. I always assume it's about me. (If you don't believe me ask my mom.) It's about God and sadly, we often forget that.

Everything that has ever happened or will happen is for His glory. And that is all that matters. We aren't on this earth to please ourselves, (as much as we wish) we're here to please God. There are plenty of things to please us, and we are so busy pleasing ourselves we don't stop to praise and please the one who created us with that ability.

God deserves more than we can give Him. Yet we give Him less than what we have. And whatever we have, He has given us. We deserve punishment for our sins. Jesus didn't, yet He died for us. I don't think It's right that He paid the ultimate sacrifice for us and if He's lucky we pray over dinner or go to church once a month.

God deserves way more than we give Him. The only reason we are here on this earth is because of Him and for Him. To bring Glory to God and do what He wants us to do. God doesn't want lukewarm Christians, He wants Christians that are on fire for Him!

Revelation 3:15-16

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

God deserves more honor, respect, praise, and glory then we give Him. I don't know about you, but I for one, do not want to be spit out of God's mouth because I did things for Him half-heartedly or out of obligation. The world is not about us- It's about Jesus Christ.
To God alone be the Glory.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

God's Plan

God has a plan for you. Maybe it's not what you think it is.

I want to be used by God in bigger ways then I am. I want to bring as much glory and honor to His name as possible. Maybe God just wants me to talk to the people I know, or maybe He has bigger plans. But you have to do the "small" stuff before you can do the big stuff.

I have trouble with that. I want God to use me now in a big way. But I have to start with the small stuff. I know God is going to use me and is using me now. Nothing is impossible with God. God has perfect timing. For He is perfect and He laid down the plan of life and knows what it is. God knew millions of years ago before the earth was created, that I would be writing this right now.

It doesn't matter how small you think you're ministry is if you're doing it for God. God is with you at all times. Go for it!
To God alone be the Glory.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Twilight: Not A Fan

Sorry to all you Twilight lovers out there, but I'm not a fan. Whoa! Wait a second before you judge me.
Playing with evil is not good. Vampire's are evil. Demonic.

In other words do you think God would be pleased if He saw you reading or watching Twilight? I don't think so. Yet He knows you're doing it. God hates evil, vampires and warewolves are evil, God wants us to be like Him, pure; hating evil. So why are we doing something that God clearly does not like?

Psalm 26:9

Do not take my soul along with sinners, my life with bloodthirsty men.

If anything I don't think Twilight is building up our Christian Faith. I think it is tearing it down. Vampires: bloodthirsty men are evil. God hates evil.

Proverbs 29:10

Bloodthirsty men hate a man of integrity and seek to kill the upright.

He wants us to run from evil. Vampires and warewolves are evil. God tells us to flee from evil. HELLO?

1Timothy 6:11

But you, man fo God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endorance and gentleness.

If you (like me) do not like Twilight, I want you to tell me through a comment. I know I'm not the only one who doesn't like it.

If you like Twilight you can comment as well. As I like to say- "What is my Faith good for, If it isn't tested once in a while?"

But I challange everyone reading this, not to stop watching and reading Twilight, but to think and dwell upon what God thinks of it, and if it brings glory to Him. And if you decide to keep reading it and watching it that's fine. I'm just glad you thought about it first.
So I challange you to ask this question, "What does God think?"

Go ahead and tell me what you came up with.
To God alone be the glory.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Fear Not

No matter what's going on in your life, the God of the universe knows. He was human before, He understands your feelings. Sometimes it seems like God's so far away.

You see God walking next to you over hills covered in wildflowers, but when you start into the dark dangerous valley, He is not beside you. The reason He is not by your side is because He is carrying you through the valley. No matter what is going on in your life, no matter WHAT, God is there for you.

Faith is more than believing in God, Faith is living out day-to-day life with God.

James 2: 19

You believe there is a God. Good! Even the demons believe that- and shudder.

Faith is trusting God and His decisions. In all situations, whether your scared of a spider or your about to die, God is there we need to trust Him.

I am learning what it means to live by Faith. It's not just trusting God in the good times, when things are under control. It's trusting Him in the hard times when things are spinning out of control. I think God gives us hard times and such, so we have to rely on Him more. We need God even when things are good as well as when things are bad.

Hebrews 11:13

All these people were still living by Faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance.

God is there for you, all you have to do is believe that and live it out in Faith. I'm working on a lot of things in my life. But I have to say Faith is the hardest. I'm going to work on trusting God more and put my Faith to work. Are you going to?
To God alone be the Glory.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Purity is more than a word. It is a commitment to stay pure. Purity of heart, mind, soul, thoughts, and relationships, that is what I pray for myself and others each morning.

Today I want to talk about Purity in/with relationships with guys/girls. This is the way I see it:

Are you ready to get married right now? If your answer is no, I advise you to wait to date.

I don't date. I court.

Hold on a sec I'm not done! I see you moving that cursor away!

Many people don't understand what courting is or they think they know what is. Courting has the same plan as dating: find you're future husband. Although in courting you don't float around from guy to guy (or girl to girl) breaking hearts, and playing the game of dating.

Whenever I say I don't date, I court, people say: I'd never do that! Then I ask them why and they say: 'Cause.

I court because I want to find the perfect man for me and save myself for him. When you date it's kind of like playing with feelings. At 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, maybe even 17 you probably aren't ready to get married.

The fact is: You're going to break up. Being teens we don't know who we are yet. We're in this awkward stage between kid and adult and we don't know which category to be in. Are feelings are all over the place. One minute I'm laughing the next I'm crying. I don't even know why! My Mom tells me two very important things:

  1. Don't let your emotions rule you.
  2. Don't listen to your emotions, they lie.

Courting, is preparing yourself for your husband (or wife), keeping yourself pure. If you fall in love with every guy/girl you see, what do you think is going to happen when you finally find the one and they know all about your other relationships?

I love God and God thinks this issue is important. Therefore so do I. Therefore, so should you.

To God alone be the Glory.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Give It Up ^

Sometimes it's hard to let go. No, I'm not talking about a person I'm talking about things we value. Like when your saving up for something and you know God wants you to give it up to Him.

It's hard 'cause here, on earth, it makes perfect sense to go through and buy the thing your saving up for, or maybe your not saving anything, your just trying to pay your bills, mortgage, and/or loan.

But when you think of an everlasting prize waiting for you in heaven, instead of a short-lasting thing on earth It's a no brainer.

"Hmmm...should I buy the fruit that goes bad tomorrow or the fruit that never goes bad? Hmmm..."-It's a no brainer. So is deciding to give it up to God. You're treasure there is soooooooooo much more important than your short-lasting treasure here.

Do not store up for yourselves treasure on earth, where moth and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasure in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Matthew 6:19-21

Give it up. The only reason we are here is for our savior Jesus Christ, to bring glory to Him. It's a no-brainer yet it's soooooo hard. That, my friend, is where faith comes in.

"He is no fool, who gives up what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose."-Jim Elliot
To God alone be the Glory.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day with guest blogger Julie Marie Rahm

Hello everyone. I'd like to introduce my sister in Christ Julie Marie Rahm. She tells us about Memorial day and what it means to her. I'll let her tell you about herself.

Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May. It commemorates U.S. Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, and Guardsmen who died in the line of duty. And on this Memorial Day, I feel honored, privileged and delighted to be a guest blogger for the amazing and talented Victoria!

I am proud to be part of a family who serves in our nation’s military. My father served in the Navy and Naval Reserves for 24 years. My husband served in the Marine Corps for 26+ years. And, our son-in-law serves in the Air Force and recently returned from Afghanistan.

As a little girl I can remember going with my family to a National Cemetery on Memorial Day and listening to speeches by Veterans and politicians. “We are here today to honor those men and women who gave their lives in the service of our country…” The word “gave” was upsetting to me, because my dad was in the Navy and I wanted him to be alive for a long time. I did not talk about it at the time. I thought about it for years.

Now I understand. People misspeak about our fallen service members. No one in the military willingly gives up his or her life. On an individual level they are willing to risk their lives and place themselves in grave danger for our country and for each other. Sometimes the risk turns out badly. It is our country and its leaders who are willing to give the lives of our service members. It becomes easy to think of the “military” as an inhuman entity, not as an organization of valuable human beings created by God. As a nation we need to be mindful of how we use our military power, only as a last resort when we have no other choice.

So as I listened to politicians speak on this Memorial Day and heard the words “… honor the service men and women who willingly sacrificed their lives…” I was reminded of the one man who truly did willingly sacrifice his life, Jesus Christ. He gave his life so we who believe in Him may live free from the bondage of sin and death and look forward to eternal life with God in heaven. That is an important message today. What comfort it brings to families and friends of fallen service members to know that their loved ones are in a state of pure positive energy basking eternally in the indescribable love of God.

Thank you for reading my thoughts on Memorial Day. I invite you to follow my blogs at and May God bless you, your family, our nation and our world!

Thank you Julie Rahm for taking the time to write about Memorial day. It's an important day, that Americans often forget about. God gave the ultimate sacrifice, and these men and woman are following in His footsteps.

Here is the link to a video for Memorial Day:
To God alone be the Glory.

Friday, May 28, 2010

How can I be so blind?

I was bored there was nothing to do, so I watched a show I don't like. It's safe and there was nothing else on.
Why did I ever watch it?

I'm watching TV as the world is screaming out "Save me!" I'm sitting here watching the world away, while children are dying screaming out to us, "Save me!"
How can I be so blind?

I'm watching something that I don't like, while some kid is crying watching her mother who is dying. And I am sitting here whining 'cause there is nothing on the TV?
What is wrong with me!?

Put the remote down! Get off facebook! Put your gameboy down!

There is always a job opening in the "God's hero's" department. You don't have to be popular, strong, smart, or good looking to change the world. All it takes is for you to apply to God's hero's department. Do what He says.

I do not want to be watching TV while people are being beaten, and tortured and dying when Jesus comes back.

What if there is a girl next door who is being beaten by her father? And I am sitting here watching TV on the couch and calling myself a Christian? She's screaming out for someone to save her!
What is wrong with me?

We were never meant to watch our lives away by watching things on the TV! And watching TV does not fulfil you!

Do something for Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To God alone be the Glory.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

God's Love: Example A

God's love is so amazing and powerful. He's love is so rich and real it can penetrate into any soul. God loves everyone equally. He doesn't love you more because you're rich, or less because you're poor. God is calling everyone to be His.

It doesn't matter who you are or what you look like. God knows you're heart and loves you still. Here is a great example of God's captivating love.

(Incase for some reason you can't wtch the video here is the link: )

To God alone be the Glory.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Are You Ready?

If you found out the world is going to end tomorrow for sure, what would you do? "Well I'd get ready of course." You'd say.

Jesus is coming soon, but I don't know how soon. We really need to change our lives so we're not living for Christ when we want to, but always.

Are you living today like it's your last?

I know I'm not. You say, "Well I think I'll know when I'm going to die, so I'll worry about that stuff then."

What if you get in a car crash tomorrow? I don't think you'll know till then. Nobody wants to think about death. But if Jesus came back right now, or you die right now, will you be pleased? I don't want to die now because I know there is so much more I can do for Christ. I'd hate to go to heaven knowing I could have done more.

I want that glory when I go to heaven. I want God, the Creator of everything, look me in the eye and say "Well done. My good and faithful servant."

I mean, can you even imagine? The God of the universe telling you what a good job you did? Amazing! I want God to use me in every way possible. I want to live my life to the fullest for Him.
I want to live everyday, like it is my last. It's not going to be easy. But I'm going to try. Will you
To God alone be the Glory.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Step Back and Look Around

Go ahead. No matter how extremely bad things are in your life step back, and look around. Yes, maybe you are in a big mess or maybe this is the best day of your life; but still, look at what God has done for you.

You might be thinking- "Yeah? You wanna know what God has done for me? He took my Mom's life!"

Maybe He did. But look at what else you have. Maybe it's just a dandelion in front of you. He put it there for you to see. Whether you look at it as a weed or a flower it's up to you. That's true for everything. God has a plan for everything. He's not just taking whatever is gone, for fun.

It's for His glory. Look at this amazing place God has made for us! It's beautiful and carefully designed just for us. Watch butterflies flutter past your window or lightning from a thunder shower; and thank God for them.

Look at everything God has done and made, and thank Him. It doesn't matter what you're going through or how you feel, take the time to look at what God has done for you in your life, or given you or made for you. Go ahead. Step back and look around.
To God alone be the Glory.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I'm learning patience by trusting God. There are so many things I want to happen. God is in control and it will happen in His perfect timing. I believe God wanted me to start this blog so I'm giving it up to Him.

He will do with it as He pleases. It's His blog, after all I am His.

"All of my plans, all of my dreams, I lay them down before your feet. All of my time, all that was mine, I now submit to your design." -Aaron Shust.

Ha ha...trusting God leads to faith. So It all comes back to Him. Everything does.

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see."

Hebrews 11:1

To be honest, It doesn't matter what I want. Nothing matters in this world but God. The only reason we are here doing what we're doing day after day is because God is in charge. He created everything, He is in charge of everything.

And whatever I want WILL NOT HAPPEN. Unless God allows it to happen. This isn't just me. I know I'm not the only one.

We need to have Faith in God, trust Him who allows us to decide if we want to trust Him. Even though He has already proven Himself trustworthy.

To God alone be the Glory.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Unconditional Love

God's love is so amazing, so powerful. He loves us more than we could ever imagine. The greatest love that you've ever known is like a speck of dust, next to Jupiter. God's love is huge and unconditional.

The God of the universe loves you! How amazing is that? The Creator of everything, loves us even though we're sinful, make mistakes and sometimes spit in His face; He still loves us unconditionally.

I absolutely love this video. I get goose bumps every time. Watch this video and get a small glance of His out-of-this-world love! >

(If for some reason you can't watch the video from my blog here is the link:

To God alone be the Glory.

God is there for you.

God is in control. We forget that a lot. No matter what is happening in your life. He has a plan for you. Even when it seems like nothing is going right.

He is in control of everything. He knows what you're going to do and what you have done. God is there for you. Pour out your heart to Him.

He is there through the good times and the bad. We just don't think about Him much when everything is going fine. God is so great, so grand, yet sometimes we forget in the business of our earthly lives.

Yet when we cry out to Him in pain, He is there waiting for us, saying "Why didn't you come to me sooner?"

God's love is so overwhelming and yet, sometimes we take that for granted.

To God alone be the Glory.