Wednesday, December 22, 2010


CHRISTmas. I know, I have written X-mas before, but how can I? I am taking out my Savior's name and putting in a big X instead. Like His name is not worth anything. Taking Him out of CHRISTtmas. Without CHRIST there would be no CHRISTmas.

CHRISTmas is the day CHRIST came down to earth. And as we later know he dies for our sins. Without CHRISTmas we wouldn't be close to God as we are now, and our sins wouldn't have been taken away.

What did Santa do? Gave us presents. That's nice. What did CHRIST do? Died for us. That's amazing! Why is Santa so popular at CHRISTmas? Is it because he gives us gifts? At one point we all grow tired of those gifts and forget them. Why isn't CHRIST popular at CHRISTmas? He came to earth on CHRISTmas so he could one day pay the price for our sins.
At one time He was very popular, Shepard's came to him, the three wise men came and brought Him gifts. But now CHRIST is slipping out of CHRISTmas. WE don't think "It's Jesus' birthday!" when we wake up on CHRISTmas morning. We think "presents!" most of which will be forgotten.

But CHRIST on CHRISTmas shall never be forgotten! Keep His name in CHRISTmas.
To God alone be the Glory!
"There has been only one Christmas- the rest are anniversaries" W. J. Cameron


  1. Great Message girl! It is funny I just posted the same video, and only saw your post just now! Great Job! Merry Christmas!

  2. Great post! Christ is the reason we celebrate! I thought I would weigh in with a little historical fact regarding the use of "XMass": In Greek, the symbol we call "X" is the letter 'chi', which is the first letter of the Greek spelling of Christ. That's where it originally came from. It's kind of like the Christian "fish symbol" is a greek acrostic that spells out the Greek word for fish: "Ichthus" in which the letters stand for the first letters of the Greek words: Jesus, Christ, God, Son, Savior.

    * Iota (i) is the first letter of Iēsous (Ἰησοῦς), Greek for "Jesus".
    * Chi (ch) is the first letter of Christos (Χριστός), Greek for "anointed".
    * Theta (th) is the first letter of Theou (Θεοῦ), Greek for "God's", the genitive case of Θεóς, Theos, Greek for "God".
    * Upsilon (u) is the first letter of huios (Υἱός), Greek for "Son".
    * Sigma (s) is the first letter of sōtēr (Σωτήρ), Greek for "Savior".

    Anyways, that is the real origin of "XMass". However, I'm sure that in today's culture many would do this out of disrespect and not wanting anything to do with Christ during this season of Christmas. Merry CHRISTmas!

  3. @Mike: Thank you! Though God gets the praise. ;)
    That's cool! Thanks so much for posting! You finally did! Merry CHRISTmas!

    @angelonwheels: Thanks! (I actually went on your blog, saw it, loved it and posted it on mine) Merry Christmas!!!


Thank you for commenting on my blog! Have a blessed day.
"May you experince the love of Christ though it's so great you'll never fully understand it." NIV