Today is Super Bowl Sunday. Millions of people will watch. Some for the commercials others for the wonderful sport of football. Have you ever been to a game, not just football, where you're team scores or something and you and the other fans shout and cheer and whistle?
You get this cool feeling. You are high-five-ing with people you have never met and everyone is excited you can barely hear a thing above the excited yelling of the fans and you get this cool feeling. Like an adrenaline rush. The whole stadium erupting in cheers!
That feeling. It feels so good. So, on earth if something is that exciting and people are cheering that loud: imagine Christ's return!
Every tribe, every tongue and every nation praising the King of kings! Our God's triumphant return!! People will be praising God and loving one another. Imagine the day, of Christ's return.
Another point I want to make is this: My favorite part of the Super Bowl is when one of the teammates praise the Lord for what he has done for them. Sometimes it's from the losing team, sometimes the winning team. But that, to me is WAY more exciting then my favorite team winning the Super Bowl. Think about how you can praise God this week.
Praise him for the many blessings he gives us each and every day! Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord, God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come!!!!!! (Revelation 4:8)
To God alone be the Glory!!!!!
Great insights on what the celebration of Christ's return may look like! It really made me want Him to come soon :) Have a great day!
~Pastor Mike