Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I want to ask all my readers a simple question.

What area of your life do you struggle with your faith the most?

Is it trusting God when you are afraid?
Believing God when it feels like He's not there?
Worries about your future?

We are not super-human, everybody struggles.
Go ahead and write down your answers on the comments.
To God alone be the Glory.
(PS. I will write mine down on the comments forum)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Serve Your Savior

This week is VBS week for me. I love VBS. Not only is it fun, but we're serving God. I am always amazed at how much fun I have serving my Savior. I love watching the kids play and grow in God. Learning thier bible verses, singing thier memmory verse songs. God is amazing! I am proud to serve a just and faithful God.

So I ask you to slow down and serve you're Savior. The fun is unlimited and the prize will be waiting for you in heaven. Go ahead, serve your Savior, and reap His reward for you.

To God alone be the Glory!