Friday, May 28, 2010

How can I be so blind?

I was bored there was nothing to do, so I watched a show I don't like. It's safe and there was nothing else on.
Why did I ever watch it?

I'm watching TV as the world is screaming out "Save me!" I'm sitting here watching the world away, while children are dying screaming out to us, "Save me!"
How can I be so blind?

I'm watching something that I don't like, while some kid is crying watching her mother who is dying. And I am sitting here whining 'cause there is nothing on the TV?
What is wrong with me!?

Put the remote down! Get off facebook! Put your gameboy down!

There is always a job opening in the "God's hero's" department. You don't have to be popular, strong, smart, or good looking to change the world. All it takes is for you to apply to God's hero's department. Do what He says.

I do not want to be watching TV while people are being beaten, and tortured and dying when Jesus comes back.

What if there is a girl next door who is being beaten by her father? And I am sitting here watching TV on the couch and calling myself a Christian? She's screaming out for someone to save her!
What is wrong with me?

We were never meant to watch our lives away by watching things on the TV! And watching TV does not fulfil you!

Do something for Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To God alone be the Glory.

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"May you experince the love of Christ though it's so great you'll never fully understand it." NIV