Friday, July 16, 2010


I am sure all or at least most of you have heard of silly bands, right? People get kind of obsessive/collective about it. You have this one, but you want that one. This person has this many and I only have this many.

Then you think of someone in Africa who has no clean water. Their water is full of sickness but it's all they have so they drink it. And after a while some of them die. Were sitting here sipping ice cold lemonade on the beach reading a favorite book, not a thought in the world of what some people are going through.

We are very blessed, but their are some out there that aren't as blessed as we are.

James 1:26-27 says:

To "Take care of the orphans and widows in distress."

When you help out those less fortunate then you, God blesses you greatly. Think about that as you're on facebook, or texting a friend.

God loves all of us. He loves you; the goody-two-shoes who goes to church every week and puts a good amount of money in the offering plate, just as much as he loves you; the starving child in search of food with no roof over your head. Remember those in need.

God's sees everything. God knows everything. God hopes you too see and choose to help.
To God alone be the Glory.

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"May you experince the love of Christ though it's so great you'll never fully understand it." NIV