Saturday, October 23, 2010

Halloween. Oh boy. -Part Two

Now that you've learned what Halloween is truly about in my earlier post. (Halloween. Oh boy. -Part one) What are you going to do knowing this information?

I know what you're thinking: Why doesn't a teenage girl not want to celebrate Halloween? Even adults love Halloween!

Well, I'll gladly answer that: because I want to do the right thing.

I believe celebrating Halloween is not the right thing to do. Therefore, I don't celebrate it. Doesn't mean you don't have to celebrate it though. You make you're own decisions. I just want you to think about it before you commit to celebrating.

"Well, everybody does it. It must be okay." You think to yourself.
Sure it is.

Everybody is going to jump off a cliff! Why don't you join them? Everybody is doing it.

Get my point? Everybody makes mistakes. We're all sinful by nature. But just because everybody is doing it, doesn't make it right.

In Matthew 7:13-14 Jesus said-

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and strait is the way that leads to life, and only a few find it. NIV

So think about it. Talk about it. Pray about it. God loves you, and wants only the best for you.

He's not this big powerful guy in the sky who wants to make your life miserable. He cares about us and lets us make our own decisions about life. He just encourages us to choose the right ones.
To God alone be the Glory.

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"May you experince the love of Christ though it's so great you'll never fully understand it." NIV