Thursday, January 27, 2011

Barlow Girl-I Believe In Love

I posted this today, because this song and part of what she says before it, is what I have been feeling. (Not that it's the best video. lol) If you read my other post Faith you get a glimpse of what I have been feeling.

I had believed or something close to that, that my prayer would be answered and when it wasn't I didn't understand and I felt rejected; though I know that is not the case. I talked with God last night saying, that after that prayer not being answered I wasn't sure what to do or to believe. I told Him I still believe in Him and His love, but as for faith I have little. This song seemed to sing what I have been feeling. God still loves me and I Him, I'm not going to stop believing just because a prayer wasn't answered, but I still don't get it.

Guess that is faith as well. To believe that it was part of God's perfect plan and maybe now is just a time for my faith to be tested. So in that case I will stand strong In God. Though I may struggle; God loves me and will help me if I only ask, which I haven't... Maybe that is my problem. So here is a glimpse of me and I hope that whatever you may be going through, that this will help you as well. God Bless.
To God alone be the glory.


  1. I am so proud of you sister! I don't know if the one you lost knew Jesus, but if he did, then his healing has begun, and though your prayer was answered different than imagined, He answers STILL! hugs!

  2. We don't know if he knew Christ as his One and Only Savior, that was part of the reason I prayed so hard. *Hugs back!* But God is a Just God, and a God of second chances.

    I have never met you, but you have been a great encouragement to me in my Spiritual life. Thank you.


Thank you for commenting on my blog! Have a blessed day.
"May you experince the love of Christ though it's so great you'll never fully understand it." NIV